FD Gazellen
In addition DoubleDividend won the 2023 FD Gazellen award for the sixth year in a row. The FD Gazellen is an award presented to the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands with revenue growth of at least 20% for at least three consecutive years. A company’s profit margin and staff growth are also taken into account in the ranking. In recent years our assets under management have grown significantly due to factors including our focus on sustainability and the investment results achieved. More and more clients subscribe to our investment philosophy where quality, sustainability and a long-term focus are paramount. Engaging with the clients also plays an important role in the growth of DoubleDividend. We want to thank all our clients for the trust they place in us.

Independent comparison sites

DoubleDividend received the highest rating (5-stars) from the two main comparison sites- Finner and Vermogensbeheer.nl Among other things, the organisation, investment and risk policy, returns and costs are analysed by these comparison sites.
You can request Vermogensbeheer.nl’s customer satisfaction report on DoubleDividend here .
You can read Finner’s review here .
IEX Gouden Stier
DoubleDividend was once again named best choice in the 2020 IEX Gouden Stier awards in the ‘Best Asset Manager in the Netherlands’ category. IEX is an independent platform that selects the best, most transparent and innovative companies and services based on criteria that are clear and insightful for all.
DoubleDividend was also named a best choice and the winner of the 2019 IEX Gouden Stier in the ‘Best Asset Manager in the Netherlands’ category.